Sunday, December 1, 2019


Greetings, Aloha, Hello, and Hi!  

Today for the first post ever (!) we will give an idea on how each blog post will lay out and all the stuff you need to know. Let's get this party started!

First Topic: The Idea Post

     These posts are the posts that you will see the most of. They will usually contain advice, tips, and tricks on how to clean/organize the room or object stated in the title. The idea posts will start out with an introduction on what we will be covering today. The rest of the post will have a random layout depending on how I am feeling. Although, you will find dos and don'ts lists, measurements, and scenarios that will help.

Second Topic: Project Posts

     When working in organizing, you can't not have some project you can do for fun. These posts will be more rare and I will mostly post one or two every month. Once again, it all depends. You will be able to find project posts because they will always have the title: (SOMETHING) Project. The project posts will start out with the shopping cart list, things you will need to complete the project. After that, the rest of the blog will contain steps to finish the project.

There are somethings to know about this blog. You don't need to follow all advice and steps exactly. You can always adapt everything due to surroundings and budget. There may also be sometimes I might make a mistake. Please feel free to comment on how I can fix that. Also please comment below on any advice you would like and suggestions for my blog. Thank you!

- C.


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