Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Closet Clutter

How to Avoid a Avalanche

We have probably all seen the classic doodle of where a parent opens a closets door and an avalanche of stuff falls on them. In this post, we will learn how to avoid those and not receive concussions when opening your closet. Let's begin!

Quick note: This post is NOT for walk in closets. That will be in a later post. If you can't tell the difference, have a family member you dislike stand at the enter and walk into the closet. If he/she is able to walk 4-5 without running into a wall, it it probably a walk in closet.

Know then Throw

Most of the time, storage closets are generally small. To begin organizing, start with our general clean, throwing away trash and placing items that don't belong in a separate box/bag to deal with later. Now we can begin. I would like to start with an acronym for this post. If your closet needs cleaning then it is probably cluttered. To start, we must give some things away. This is TOTALLY optional depending on your opinions. Just in case, I have an acronym you can follow to see if you know you must toss it:

Know objects purpose?
Need object?
Outlook of object is sitting the corner in the next 5 years?
Why must you have it? (Come up with 5 good reasons)

If you are getting rid of stuff, I hope you found that acronym helpful. Next section will get a but more technical.

But Mommy! I can't reach/find it!

That is bad news for you. It means walking and nobody wants that. To help with children prob, I have scenarios and measurements to guide you:

For Bathroom Closets:
  • Frequently used items like towels or cloths should be placed at a height when you don't have to bend and the little one doesn't need a step stool
  • Health/Medicinal things not for kids should be placed in containers and on a higher shelf
  • Things only rarely (like my old fish tank) used should be on the lowest of low shelf 
  • Don't forget the labels!
For Game Closest:
  • Family favorites in the middle shelf
  • Games that kids will find boring can be placed on the higher shelf
  • Small games like Rook can be placed in a box in the low shelf
  • Labels are not really needed
For Any Closet (A ton are out there)
  • Frequently used items on middle shelf
  • Adult/teenager things on higher shelf
  • Non-frequent or small child items on lower shelf
*Measurements You can Use:
  • Max Child Reach: 4.5-5 feet
  • Max Female Reach: 7 feet
  • Max Male Reach: 7.5 feet

*all estimates

Really all that is left to do is to shine things up, sort items, and all that. 

I hope you find your closets easier to navigate. If you have any comments; how I did, things I could add, and suggestions for next time, please let me know. Thanks for reading and look out when you open your closets! :)


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Oh Offices! So Cruel.

The World of a Parent & Their Papers (Oh and Problems)

I'll take a guess here and assume if you are reading this, you have a messy home or work office that has now come alive because of your mess and is holding up a sign saying CLEAN MEEE! Some desk. Anyway, this is one of the rare times where you should listen to a inanimate object and clean your desk. And I'll be here to help.

Clean Before Gleam 

Before you rush to IKEA and all that jazz, I would like you to do a general clean of your desk. When I say general clean, I mean to do the following:
  • Throw away all useless paper and trash
  • Find things that don't belong and place them in a bag or box
  • Find things that have an already designated place and put them there
After completing these few bullet points, I hope you find that you desk isn't as bad as you thought it would be. Maybe you don't need to carry on with this post and all you needed was a clean. Maybe but not always. Next section is all about space.

The Desk is Lava

Whenever I cleaned my mom's desk, I always realized that the one thing that leaves first: desk space. After a week or so you might find the desk needing another cleaning because all the desk space has been taken again. There is a solution for that. They make little office organizing things for a reason. This is where you head to the internet and browse on cute things you could buy for your desk. Plan on where all your stuff will go and buy something to keep them there. It also doesn't hurt to label things. I find labeling helpful if you have children who sometimes trash your place. Here are some dos and don'ts when completing this section.

  • Buy some files for you papers
  • Leave somethings not above the desk
  • Always keep 2-4 pens and pencils handy
  • Keep most of your Technology in one place
  • Combine things together that are not similar
  • Stuff things behind things
  • Have a big space for little things
  • Have important object stored far away or in a place where bending down is needed

I hope that this post has served all ya'll office owners and dwellers well. Please comment below on what I should fix and things to include in the next post. Also please post a number 1-5 on how helpful this post was. Thanks a billion and Good Luck!



Greetings, Aloha, Hello, and Hi!  

Today for the first post ever (!) we will give an idea on how each blog post will lay out and all the stuff you need to know. Let's get this party started!

First Topic: The Idea Post

     These posts are the posts that you will see the most of. They will usually contain advice, tips, and tricks on how to clean/organize the room or object stated in the title. The idea posts will start out with an introduction on what we will be covering today. The rest of the post will have a random layout depending on how I am feeling. Although, you will find dos and don'ts lists, measurements, and scenarios that will help.

Second Topic: Project Posts

     When working in organizing, you can't not have some project you can do for fun. These posts will be more rare and I will mostly post one or two every month. Once again, it all depends. You will be able to find project posts because they will always have the title: (SOMETHING) Project. The project posts will start out with the shopping cart list, things you will need to complete the project. After that, the rest of the blog will contain steps to finish the project.

There are somethings to know about this blog. You don't need to follow all advice and steps exactly. You can always adapt everything due to surroundings and budget. There may also be sometimes I might make a mistake. Please feel free to comment on how I can fix that. Also please comment below on any advice you would like and suggestions for my blog. Thank you!

- C.